Frederik's Friday Fact Christmas Quiz 2007
Friday 21 Dec 2007: Frederik's Friday Fact Christmas Quiz 2007
- Name the four hills of the Vierschanzentournee in the right order.
- Explain why the Reinheitsgebot is (or isn't) a good thing.
- Which is the best year?
- Name the 7 Dutch Provinces.
- Who is the current prince of the Principality of Andorra?
- Who introduced the croissant in France?
- What is a skemerkelkie?
- Name the 4 Cantons that originally formed the Helvetian Confederation.
- Of whose work is Descartes supposed to have said that it was worth
learning the Dutch language for?
- Who is the founder of Opus Dei?
Bonus points will be awarded for additional correct
information. Incorrect extras will be penalised.
Send your answers by Friday 4 January 2008 at the latest to
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