Frederik's Friday Fact

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Friday 19 Nov 2004: Russian words
Many words in Russian that have to do with shipping and sailing have been copied from Dutch. This is because Tsar Peter the Great stayed in the Netherlands for some months to learn how to bulid ships (and a navy) from one of the naval superpowers in that time. He even spent time as an apprentice on a shipyard in Zaandam (north of Amsterdam). Some examples (taken from
  • sluis - шлюз
  • snoer - шнур
  • kabeltouw - кабельтов
  • kiel - киль
  • ruim - трюм
  • kajuit - каюта
  • noord - норд
  • zuid - зюйд
  • oost - ост
  • west - вест
  • schipper - шкипер
  • vlaggestok - флагшток
  • bootsman - боцман

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